FAQs and expert advice about venue styling

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your Glos and Wilts Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

Rustic chic

Rustic chic

Q We're looking for some wedding theme inspiration – what were the most popular wedding aesthetics for 2021 on Instagram?
A Adam and Tom says: Research into popular wedding-related hashtags have revealed a rising interest in a new design trend known as Rustic Vogue. Research shows that #rusticweddings has been used on 2,164,541 Instagram posts this past year and that #rusticweddingdecor and #rusticweddingideas are also growing in popularity, with 261,243 and 27,055 posts respectively.

Further research also reveals that Rustic Vogue has also risen in search popularity within the last six months, and is continuing to do so as the year draws to a close.

While there are always several factors that influence design trends like this one, likely, the surge in interest for rustic aesthetics for people planning weddings will be down to continued social lockdowns during winter. People's focuses and what they think are important have shifted – many couples getting married are no longer opting for lavish, grand affairs, instead preferring simple, family-focused ceremonies and celebrations."

Adam and Tom, The Hairpin Leg Co

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